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Live Demonstration on Pangaea® Natural Stone

Live Demonstration on Pangaea® Natural Stone
Location: Burlington, ON
October 12, 2019 8:00 am - October 12, 2019 10:00 am

Come down and take a closer look at the stone that's changing the industry! Join us at Hamilton Builder's Supply for a live demonstration on Pangaea® Natural Stone.

Date: October 30, 2019.
Time: 8 am EST

Topics Covered:
– Get hands on experience
– Take a look at the newest products for 2019
– See Pangaea® 's exclusive GripSet® technology
– Discover Pangaea® 's unique Installation Ready™ packaging
– Ask your questions about natural stone, installation, and more
Refreshments will be served

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More About Our Events

Our vision is to be your source and resource for all things stone, and more! From webinars to installation sessions, we strive to educate the masonry community and enhance construction projects, all while effectively bringing visions to life! Varying from technical presentations that could earn CEU credits, installation seminars to product specific presentations, our events are aimed to help better understand our masonry and building envelope products. Our events will also provide an opportunity to interact with members from the CSI team, as well as members from our supply partners. We hope you find our events valuable and look forward to having you attend our next event!


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