We are proud to announce that we are celebrating 30 years of being your source and resource for all things stone and more! We are beyond thrilled and thankful to those who have helped and supported us on our journey to reach 30 years serving the masonry and building materials industry! Since 1992, CSI - All Things Stone has grown and changed tremendously! We are so incredibly honoured to have had your support over the years. Throughout this year we have a number of things planned to recognize and acknowledge hitting this 30 year milestone. Check back in over the year as we dive deep and let you in to learn some interesting tidbits and explore the evolution of CSI and our path to 30 years! Keep reading for a little teaser, we will expand on this as the year rolls on!

Originally known as Canadian Stone Industries, CSI opened its doors in 1992 carrying only one product, Cultured Stone® manufactured stone veneer. To this day, we are proud to still be the sole distributor of Cultured Stone® in Canada! Originally founded in British Columbia, our initial focus for the first few years was to establish a network of dealers in Western Canada, get the product into the hands of stone masons, and to educate the architectural, design and residential construction community. We were sure once they learned about and got hands on experience with Cultured Stone®, they would see its many benefits and become raving fans.
Once getting established in Western Canada we then shifted our attention to expanding our reach eastward. We found a warehouse partner in Ontario and eventually established a loyal network of dealers that spanned the entire country. From Vancouver Island to Newfoundland, CSI had a presence!
As time marched on and trends and technology changed, we continued to add product lines, evolve our product offering and further entrench ourselves in the masonry and building materials industry in Canada.

More recently, we turned our focus southward and launched our US company known as Continental Stone Industries. Since entering the US market a few years ago, CSI has quickly established a strong presence and cultivated a fantastic dealer network servicing the Western United States.
It was when we established Continental Stone Industries that we stepped away from publicly identifying ourselves as Canadian Stone Industries in Canada and Continental Stone Industries in the USA, and instead now promote ourselves as CSI - All Things Stone. Now, after 30 years in business, CSI - All Things Stone is proud of our:
- 3 warehouses: Langley, BC, Toronto, Ontario, and San Leandro, CA
- 700+ dealers across Canada and Western USA
- 35+ staff members across Canada and Western USA
- 15+ brands of stone & brick products, building components and fireplace/outdoor living products
We want you to get to know us a little better! Come with us behind the scenes to see how we bring architectural designs and visions to life! For those who are new to CSI, our business model is quite straight forward.
We buy in bulk, hold large inventory, and have products available in the quantities customers require for their projects. We couple our demand creation with effective logistics solutions and strive to get the right products, to the right people, when they expect it. By doing this well, we achieve our mission of being the trusted source and resource of all things stone and more!
To get in the celebratory spirit, we are proud to unveil a new logo that we will be using throughout the year to promote our 30th anniversary! Stay tuned, you may see this special 30 Year Anniversary logo on more than just our website!

We have always considered our employees to be one of our most valuable resources. We are proud to have a team of loyal staffers (past and present) that have supported us on our journey to reach 30 years. We have been incredibly fortunate to have had several staff members stick with us for a very long time. As the year rolls on we will recognize some of our longest tenured employees and acknowledge the contributions they have made to our growth and success. We look forward to you getting to know some of our team a little better!
Did you know that CSI is active on all major social platforms?! If you haven't already, be sure to connect with us on your platform of choice. We share all types of interesting content on a regular basis. Whether it is behind the scenes snippets from our office or warehouses, or projects we document while in progress right through to completion, you don't want to miss out on the fun we share on social media. Check out our profiles on the various platforms below to see what you’re missing out on!
Instagram is the place to be! It’s where we share stunning project images and take our followers behind the scenes of product launches, photoshoots, and all things happening at CSI!
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