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DrainAway® Drainage Strip


DrainAway® perforated drainage strip is an “L” shaped galvanized steel drainage strip. Its perforated bottom ledge allows for proper ventilation and vertical drainage of moisture along the base of a wall cavity. Easy to install, DrainAway® is suitable for both commercial and residential use, and can be used in conjunction with many exterior claddings including: manufactured stone veneer, natural stone veneer, thin brick slices, wood, vinyl, cedar, stucco and cementitious siding products.

To find a local dealer in your area that sells DrainAway®, please click Where to Buy.

DrainAway® Specifications: 
– Strip Length: 8″
– Material: 30 Gauge Galvanized Steel
– Hole Diameter: 1/8” Perforated

Benefits & Features: 
– Permits efficient drainage of wall cavity
– Works as a great leveling strip and finished edge option
– Collaborates with rainscreen wall assemblies including – strapping and drainage mats
– Allows for effective ventilation of wall cavity
– Functions as bug screen protection
– Eliminates the need for weep screed


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