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Boral Cultured Stone® Installation: Estimating Material

Every Cultured Stone® veneer installation begins by collecting what you’ll need to do the job. To determine how many flat stones you’ll need, multiply the height by the width, of each area to be covered. Then substract the area of any uncovered portions, such as doors and windows.

Next, measure the ouside corners in linear feet. This will tell you the amount of corner pieces needed. One linear foot of corner pieces covers approximately 3/4 of a square foot of flat area, so you can subtract this total from the amount of flat stone required. However, you may wish to have some extra stone on hand to allow for options when cutting and trimming.

When doing your calculations, remember to verify whether the texture you’ve chosen is sold based on coverage with a 1/2” mortar joint, or tight fitting. Also, remember to estimate the amount of trim stone, and any architectural detail products you plan to use.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]